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Ingo's fine art process is very unique.  It starts with a well composed photo and begin creating different layers of looks, one could be a pen and ink
rendering, another a watercolor effect. The real work begins melding these disparate layers into one final piece of art.  With as many as 20 layers, I begin
erasing and changing the opacity of various effects until the final result is what you see on this web site.  Creation of a print can run from several hours
to several days.  The final image is printed on a watercolor paper to create the mixed media look.

Ingo's Images  -  San Francisco Bay Area  -  415.730.5352  -  ingo@ingosimages.com

All images © Copyright 2006 - 2011, Ingo Schmoldt & Ingo's Images, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Images may not be used in any way
(including but not limited to: copying, saving, alteration, or manipulation) without the express written permission of Ingo's Images.
